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George C. Wallace - U.S. Governor - Biography

George Corley Wallace Jr. (August 25, 1919 - September 13, 1998) was an American politician and 45th Alabama Governor, having served two inconsequential terms and two consecutive terms as a Democrat: 1963-1967, 1971-1979 and 1983- 1987. Wallace has the third-longest term of governor in post-US Constitution history, at 16 years and four days. He was a US presidential candidate for four consecutive elections, where he sought Democratic nominations in 1964, 1972, and 1976, and was a candidate for the Independent Party of America in the 1968 presidential election. In 2018 he remained the third party's last candidate to receive votes electorate electors promised from any country.

Wallace is remembered for Jim Crow's pro-segregation position during the mid-20th century Civil Rights Movement, declared in his 1963 inaugural address that he stood for "the separation now, the separation of tomorrow, the segregation forever," and stood in front. from the entrance of the University of Alabama in an attempt to stop the enrollment of black students. He finally left the segregation. Wallace survived the assassination attempt at Laurel, Maryland in 1972, conducted by Arthur Bremer, but as a result he used a wheelchair until his death in 1998.

Video George Wallace

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Wallace, the first child of four siblings, was born at Clio in Barbour County in southeastern Alabama, to George Corley Wallace Sr. and his wife, Mozelle (Smith). He is the third generation of five generations to bear the name of "George Wallace". Because his parents did not like the title of "Junior", he was called "George C." to distinguish him from his father, George, and his grandfather, a doctor. Wallace's father left college to live a farming life when the price of food was high during World War I. When his father died in 1937, his mother had to sell their farm to pay the mortgage. George Wallace was raised a Methodist by his parents.

From the age of ten, Wallace was fascinated with politics. In 1935, he won a contest to serve as a page in the Alabama Senate and confidently predicted that one day he would become governor. Wallace became a successful boxer regionally in high school, then went directly to law school in 1937 at the University of Alabama School of Law in Tuscaloosa. He is a member of the Delta Chi fraternity. It was at the University of Alabama that he crossed the street with Frank M. Johnson Jr., who is a much more liberal politician in relation to social issues and racial issues. Wallace also knows George Sparks, who became a conservative governor. These people have an influence on his personal politics that reflects the ideology of the two leaders later during his time at the office.

After receiving a Bachelor of Laws degree in 1942, he entered the training of a pilot cadet at the United States Army Air Corps. He failed to complete the course, however, and as a staff sergeant flew the B-29 combat mission over Japan in 1945. He served with the XX Bomb Command under General Curtis LeMay, who would be his spouse in the 1968 presidential election. Wallace nearly died of bone meningitis rear while serving in the Army, but soon medical attention with sulfa drugs saved his life. Left with partial hearing loss and permanent nerve damage, Wallace was medically discharged early with a disability pension.

Maps George Wallace

Initial career

In 1938, at the age of 19, Wallace contributed to his grandfather's successful campaign for judges. In late 1945, he was appointed as one of Alabama's assistant attorneys, and in May 1946, he won his first election as a member to the Alabama House of Representatives. At that time, he was considered moderate in racial matters. As a delegate to the 1948 Democratic National Convention, he did not join Dixiecrat's dismissal at the convention, despite his opposition to US President Harry S. Truman's civil rights program. Wallace considered it a violation of state rights. Dixiecrats took Alabama in the 1948 general election, having united behind Governor Strom Thurmond of South Carolina. In his 1963 inaugural address as governor, Wallace forgave his failure to quit the 1948 convention on political grounds.

In 1952, he became a Circuit Judge of the Third Tribunal in Alabama. Here he is known as "the little judge who fought," nodding to the previous boxing association. He earned a reputation for justice regardless of the plaintiff's race. It was common practice at the time of judges in the area to refer to black lawyers by their first names, while their white counterparts were formally handled as "masters"; The black lawyer J. L. Chestnut later said that "Judge George Wallace is the most liberal judge I have ever practiced law in. He is the first judge in Alabama to call me 'Tuan' in the courtroom."

On the other hand, Wallace issued an order to prevent removal of segregation signs at the train terminal, becoming the first Southern judge to do so. Similarly, during attempts by civil rights organizations to expand black voter registration, Wallace blocked federal efforts to review Barbour County voter lists. He was quoted for criminal defamation of the court in 1959.

As a judge, Wallace gave probation to some blacks, who may have sacrificed the 1958 governor election.

A visual tribute to an unsung antagonist of black history: George ...

Failed to run for governor

In 1958, Wallace ran in the Democratic primary to the governor. Since the effective removal of the constitution in 1901 against blacks, and the poorest whites as well, the Democrat Party is actually the only party in Alabama. For all intents and purposes, the Democratic primary is a concrete contest at the state level. This is a political junction for Wallace. Country Representative George C. Hawkins of Gadsden ran, but Wallace's main opponent was the state attorney general John Malcolm Patterson, who ran with the support of Ku Klux Klan, an organization Wallace opposed. Wallace is supported by NAACP. Wallace lost the nomination by more than 34,400 votes.

After the election, Seymore's aide Trammell reminded Wallace, "Seymore, you know why I lost the governor's race?... I was defeated by John Patterson and I'll tell you here and now, I'll never lose again."

After his defeat, Wallace adopted a hard-line segregationist attitude and used this position to win a white election in the next election of governor in 1962. When a supporter asked why he started using racist messages, Wallace replied, "You know, I'm trying to talk about a path that good and good school and all the things that have become part of my career, and nobody's listening.Then I started talking about negro, and they stepped on the floor. "

Grace: The night George Wallace came to Omaha, and the 1968 race ...

Governor of Alabama


In 1962 the primary Democrat, Wallace finished first, in front of State Senator Ryan DeGraffenried Sr., and took 35 percent of the vote. In overflow, Wallace won the nomination with 55 percent of the vote. Since nothing was proposed by Republicans, this convinced Wallace to be the next governor. He won a landslide victory in November elections, taking 96 percent of the vote. As noted above, Democratic dominance has been achieved by depriving most of the blacks and many impoverished whites in the country for decades, lasting for many years after federal civil rights legislation was passed in 1964 and 1965.

Wallace took an oath of office on January 14, 1963, standing on a gold star marking the spot where, almost 102 years earlier, Jefferson Davis was sworn in as the interim president of the United Confederation. In his inaugural address, Wallace said:

On behalf of the greatest people who ever step on this earth, I draw a line in the dust and throw a challenge before tyrannical foot, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.

This phrase was written by the author of Wallace's new speech, Asa Earl Carter.

In 1963, the administration of President John F. Kennedy ordered the 2nd Army Infantry Division of Ft. Benning, Georgia should be ready to uphold the racial integration of Alabama University in Tuscaloosa. In a futile attempt to stop the enrollment of black students Vivian Malone and James Hood, Governor Wallace stood in front of the Foster Auditorium at the University of Alabama on June 11, 1963. This is known as the "Stand at the School's Door".

In September 1963, Wallace attempted to stop four black students from enrolling in four separate primary schools in Huntsville. After intervention by a federal court in Birmingham, the four children were admitted on September 9, becoming the first to integrate primary or secondary schools in Alabama.

Wallace was eager to maintain segregation. In his own words: "The President (John F. Kennedy) wants us to surrender this country to Martin Luther King and his pro-communist group that has instituted these demonstrations."

Wallace predicted, during a Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 17, 1964, speech that supporters holding the office of a civil rights law would politically "bite the dust" in 1966 and 1968.

The EncyclopÃÆ'Â|dia Britannica marked him not so much as segregationist but rather as a "populist" wandering into the white majority of Alabama voters. It notes that his failed attempts in presidential politics created lessons that later influenced populist candidates Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Jack Newfield wrote in 1971 that Wallace "recently sounded like William Jennings Bryan when he attacked wealth concentrated in his speeches".

Economics and education

The main achievement of Wallace's first term is an innovation in Alabama industry development that some other states then copy: he is the first Southern governor to travel to corporate headquarters in the northern states to offer tax deductions and other incentives for companies looking to locate factories in Alabama.

He also started a community college system that has now spread throughout the state, preparing many students to complete a four-year degree at Auburn University, UAB, or University of Alabama. Wallace Community College (Dothan), Wallace Community College Selma (Selma), and Wallace State Community College (Hanceville) are named for him. Lurleen B. Wallace Community College in Andalusia was named for Wallace's first wife, Lurleen Burns Wallace.

University of South Alabama, a new state university in Mobile, was hired in 1963 during Wallace's first year in office as governor.

Donald Trump is a modern day George Wallace: The Republican front ...

Introduction of the president from 1964

On 15-20 November 1963, in Dallas, Texas, Wallace announced his intention to oppose the ruling President, John F. Kennedy, for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1964. A few days later in Dallas, Kennedy was assassinated, and Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson succeeded him as president.

Building upon his fame after the Alabama University controversy, Wallace entered Democratic primary elections in 1964 at the suggestion of a public relations expert from Wisconsin. Wallace campaigned strongly by expressing his opposition to integration and a violent approach to crime. In Democratic preliminary elections in Wisconsin, Indiana, and Maryland, Wallace garnered at least a third of the votes against three substitutes for Johnson.

Wallace is known for stirring the crowd with his oratory. The Huntsville Times interviewed Bill Jones, Wallace's first press secretary, who described "a very fiery speech in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1964 that frightened even Wallace, [where he] angrily shouted to the crowd of 1,000 people who 'small pinkos' were' roaming outside 'protesting his visit, and continued, after a standing ovation, saying,' When you and I start marching and demonstrating and carrying signs, we will close every highway in this country. ' The audience jumped to his feet and headed for the exit, "Jones said," It rocks Wallace, he quickly moves to calm them down. "

On graduation training in the spring of 1964 at Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina, Wallace received an honorary doctorate. At the beginning, Bob Jones Jr., read the following quote in honor of Wallace:

People who have fought for truth and righteousness have always been slandered, slandered, and misinterpreted. The American press in his attack on Governor Wallace has shown that he is no longer free, American, or honest. But you, Mr. Governor, have pointed out not only with the tremendous victory in recent elections in your own Alabama state but also in the shows you have made in countries long dominated by cheap demagogues and selfish radicals that still exist in America love for freedom, common sense, and at least some hope for the preservation of our constitutional freedoms.

Segregation Forever': A Fiery Pledge Forgiven, But Not Forgotten : NPR

1964 selected elector slate

In 1964, the Republic of Alabama stood to take advantage of the undesirable consequences of two developments: (1) Governor Wallace vacated the race for the Democratic presidential nomination against President Johnson, and (2) the appointment of unelected Democrat voters in Alabama, who were essentially will remove President Johnson from election ballot. Prior to the 1964 Republican National Convention in San Francisco, Wallace and his aides Bill Jones and Seymore Trammell met at Jefferson Davis Hotel in Montgomery with Alabama Republican leader James D. Martin, who narrowly lost the US Senate election in 1962 to J Lister Hill. Wallace and his aides are trying to determine whether Barry M. Goldwater, the upcoming Republican presidential candidate who as a senator from Arizona has opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on a libertarian and constitutional basis, will advocate for the repeal of laws, in particular public accommodation and the same work part. Bill Jones indicated that Wallace agreed with Goldwater's anti-communist stance but opposed Republican proposals to make Social Security a voluntary program. Jones stressed that Wallace had sacrificed his presidential aspirations that year to allow the Republican direct challenge to President Johnson. It was later revealed that Wallace proposed at a meeting with Martin to switch parties if he could be called a Goldwater's-couple, a title later given to US Representative William E. Miller of New York. Goldwater reportedly rejected the offer because of Wallace's lack of power beyond the Deep South.

The unelected voters in Alabama included US senator James Allen, then lieutenant governor, and then Governor Albert Brewer, who later became Chairman of the House of State. The National Democrats rejected Johnson's exclusion from the vote but most supported uncharted slate, which competed directly with Republican voters. As The Tuscaloosa News explains, loyalist supporters will offer a clearer choice to voters than unmarried slate.

The 1964 Republican voters were the first since Reconstruction to win in Alabama. The Goldwater-Miller slate received 479,085 votes (69.5 percent) to unarmed voters' 209,848 (30.5 percent). The Republican wave also won the five Republican members of the United States House of Representatives, including William Louis Dickinson, who held the Montgomery-centered district seat until 1993, and James D. Martin, the Gadsden oil product agent who defeated the then State Senator. George C. Hawkins for the previous US House seat was held by Carl Elliott. Although not yet inaugurated to the US House, Martin had noticed Wallace's position as governor.

George Wallace - Comedian - Biography

First Gentleman of Alabama

The deadline in the Alabama Constitution prevented Wallace from seeking a second term in 1966. Therefore, Wallace offered his wife, Lurleen Wallace, as a possible successor to the governor. In the Democratic primary, he defeated two former governors, James E. Folsom and John Patterson, Attorney General Richmond Flowers Sr., and former US Representative Carl Elliott. Mostly through Wallace's support work, Alabama's restrictions on governor succession were then modified (two consecutive terms).

Wallace defended his wife's proxy bid. He felt somewhat justified when the Republic in Idaho refused a nomination back in 1966 to Governor Robert E. Smylie, author of the article entitled "Why I'm Feeling Sorry for Lurleen Wallace." In his memoirs, Wallace narrates his wife's ability to "mesmerize the crowd" and throw away his insults: "I am very proud of her, and it is not a bit sick to take a place behind her in the ability to get a voice." Wallace rejects critics who claim that he has "dragged" his wife into the race. "He loves every minute being governor in the same way... that Mrs. (Margaret) Smith likes to be a senator."

During the 1966 campaign, George Wallace signed a state law to overturn the desegregation guidelines between the city and district of Alabama and the previous US Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Wallace claims that the law will prevent the national government from intervening in schools. Critics condemned Wallace's "political trickery" and expressed concern about the potential for federal funds foreclosures. Republican candidate James D. Martin accused the Democrats of "playing politics with your children" and "ignoring academic excellence".

James Martin also opposed the desegregation guidelines and has sponsored US Home amendments to prohibit the placement of students and teachers on the basis of racial quotas. He estimates that Wallace's law will encourage the release of a court order that encourages immediate and total desegregation in all public schools. Martin compared the new Alabama law with "two more minutes standing at the school door".

Lurleen Wallace defeated Jim Martin in a general election on November 8, 1966. He was inaugurated in January 1967, but on May 7, 1968, he died at the cancer office at the age of forty-one, amid his ongoing husband's campaign. On his death, he was replaced by Lt. Gov. Albert Brewer, who had walked without Republican opposition in the Wallace-Martin race. George Wallace's influence in state government subsided until the next offering for self-election in 1970. He was "the first man" for less than a year and a half.

Gov. Ronald Reagan Reacts To The George Wallace Shooting - May 15 ...

1968 holding of third party president

Wallace ran for president in the 1968 election as a candidate for the Independent Party of America, with Curtis LeMay as a vice presidential candidate. Wallace hopes to force the House to decide elections by one vote per state if he can get enough votes to make him a power broker. Wallace hopes the southern states can use their power to end federal efforts in desegregation. The platform contains major improvements to Social Security and Medicare beneficiaries. Wallace's foreign policy position makes it different from other candidates in the field. "If the Vietnam War can not be won within 90 days of his post, Wallace promised immediate withdrawal of US troops... Wallace portrays foreign aid as money 'poured into a rat hole' and demands that European and Asian allies pay more for their defense.

Richard Nixon feared that Wallace might divide conservative votes and allow Democratic nominees, Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, to win. Some Democrats fear that Wallace's appeal against an organized blue-collar worker will destroy Humphrey in northern states such as Ohio, New Jersey and Michigan. Wallace runs a "law and order" campaign similar to Nixon, which is increasingly worrisome for the Republican Party.

In Wallace's 1998 obituary, The Huntsville Times political editor John Anderson summarized the impact of the 1968 campaign: "His surprising appeal to millions of alien white voters is not lost to Richard Nixon and other Republican strategists. Nixon, then Ronald Reagan, and finally George Herbert Walker Bush successfully adopted an anti-rotating anti-government, anti-federal anti-government version to root out low-and middle-income white peoples from the New Deal Democracy coalition. "And Carter, a history professor at Emory University in Atlanta, added: "George Wallace laid the foundation for Republican domination in American society through the manipulation of racial and social issues in the 1960s and 1970s He was the primary teacher, and Richard Nixon and the Republican leadership followed were his disciples. "

Wallace considers Happy Chandler, a former baseball commissioner and former governor of Kentucky, as his partner in the 1968 campaign as a third-party candidate; as one of Wallace's maids said, "We have all the beans in this country; we can get some decent ones - you work on one side of the road and he works on the other." Wallace invited Chandler, but when the press published the prospect, Wallace's supporters objected: Chandler has supported Jackie Robinson's recruitment by Brooklyn Dodgers.

Wallace revoked the invitation, and (after considering the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, Colonel Harland Sanders) elect former Air Force General Curtis LeMay from California. LeMay was deemed instrumental in the formation in 1947 of the United States Air Force and an expert in military affairs. Four-star military rank, experience at the Strategic Air Command and its presence that advises President Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis is considered a foreign policy asset for Wallace's campaign. In 1968, LeMay had retired and served as chairman of the electronics board, but the company threatened to dismiss him if he took time off to run for vice president. To keep LeMay on the ticket, Wallace's supporters and oil tycoon Texas H. L. Hunt set up millions of dollars to replace LeMay for any lost revenue in the campaign. The campaign aides tried to persuade LeMay to avoid questions related to nuclear weapons, but when asked if he thought his use was necessary to win the Vietnam War, he first said that America can win in Vietnam without them. However, he warned the audience by commenting further, "we [Americans] have a nuclear weapons phobia, I think there may be times where it is most efficient to use nuclear weapons." LeMay "political tone deaf" became an obstacle to Wallace's candidacy for the rest of the campaign.

In 1968, Wallace promised that "If some anarchist lies in front of my car, it will be the last car he ever puts in front of," and insists that only four unknown words of hippies are "work" and "soap". This type of rhetoric became famous. He accused Humphrey and Nixon of wanting to radically delegate the South. Wallace said, "There is no difference between a Republican and a Democrat," a campaign slogan first perfected when Lurleen Wallace defeated James D. Martin.

The mainstream media watched Wallace's support received from extremist groups such as the White Citizens Council. It has been noted that members of these groups had penetrated Wallace's campaign in 1968 and, while Wallace did not openly seek their support, neither did he reject it. Indeed, at least one case has been documented from the Liberty lobby of pro-Nazi and white supremacy distributing the pro-Wallace pamphlet entitled "Stand for America" ​​despite the denial campaign of such connections. Unlike Strom Thurmond in 1948, Wallace generally avoided racial-related discussions. He mostly criticized hippies and "pointed-head intellectuals." He left racism, saying once, "I have never made a racist speech in my life."

While Wallace carries five Southern states, winning nearly ten million popular votes and 46 electoral votes, Nixon received 301 electoral votes, more than was needed to win the election. Wallace remains the last non-Democratic and non-Republican candidate to win a guaranteed voter vote. Wallace also received the vote of one North Carolina voter who had been promised to Nixon.

Many found Wallace as an entertaining campaigner. For the "hippies" who called him a fascist, he replied, "I killed fascists when you were punk in diapers." Another important allusion: "They built a bridge over Potomac for all the white liberals who fled to Virginia."

Wallace denounced the opinion of the United States Supreme Court in Alexander v. Holmes Education Board, which ordered the immediate desegregation of the Southern schools - he said the new Burger court "was no better than the Warren court" and called the "hypocrite of a limousine" judge.

On This Day, Jan. 14: George Wallace sworn in as Alabama governor ...

Second term as governor

In 1970, Wallace sought a Democratic nomination against Governor Albert Brewer, who was the first governor candidate since Reconstruction to seek the support of African-American voters. Brewer launches a progressive platform and works to build an alliance between blacks and working class whites. From Wallace's out-of-state trip, Brewer said, "Alabama needs a full-time governor."

In primary, Brewer received the most votes but failed to win a majority, which sparked a second round of elections.

In what was then (then-US President) Jimmy Carter called "one of the most racist campaigns in modern southern political history", Wallace broadcasts television commercials with slogans such as "Do you want the black block to choose your governor?" and distributed an ad showing a white girl surrounded by seven black boys, with the slogan "Wake Up Alabama! Blacks vowing to take over Alabama." Wallace grumbles Brewer, whom he calls "Sissy Britches", and his family. In abundance, Wallace narrowly won the Democratic nomination and won a landslide election.

Although Wallace has promised not to run for president for the third time, a day after the election, he flies to Wisconsin to campaign for the upcoming US presidential election in 1972. Wallace, whose presidential ambition will be crushed by defeat for the governor, has been said to have run "one of the most disgusting campaigns in the country's history," using racist rhetoric while proposing some new ideas.

George Wallace: The Great Divider |

the presidential presidency of 1972 and the assassination attempt

On January 13, 1972, Wallace declared itself a Democratic candidate, entering the field with George McGovern, 1968's Hubert Humphrey, and nine other Democrats. In main Florida, Wallace performed every area to win 42 percent of the vote; one of his opponents is John V. Lindsay, the liberal mayor of New York City, who has switched from Republican affiliation to the Democratic presidential election. In a 1972 campaign, Wallace announced that he no longer supported segregation and was always "moderate" towards racial issues. This position was an echo of Nixon, who in 1969 had instituted the first Affirmative Action program, the Philadelphia Plan that set goals and schedules. However, Wallace (similar to Nixon) stated the continuing rejection of desegregation displacement.

Over the next four months, Wallace's campaign went so well. However, it suddenly stopped on May 15, 1972, when he was shot five times by Arthur Bremer while campaigning at Laurel Shopping Center in Laurel, Maryland, at the time he received high ratings in a national poll. Bremer was spotted at a Wallace demonstration in Wheaton, Maryland, the day before and two days earlier at a rally in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Wallace was hit in the stomach and chest, and one bullet lodged in Wallace's spine, paralyzing him from the waist down for the rest of his life. A five-hour operation was needed that night, and Wallace had to receive several liters of blood to survive. Three others wounded in the shootings also survived.

Bremer's diary, The Book of A Killer, published after his arrest, shows that he was motivated in an assassination attempt by a desire for fame, not by political ideology. He had considered President Nixon as the initial target. He was sentenced in court. On 4 August 1972, Bremer was sentenced to 63 years in prison, then reduced to 53 years. Bremer served 35 years and was released on 9 November 2007.

CBS News correspondent David Dick won an Emmy Award for his coverage of Wallace's life efforts.

After the assassination attempt, Wallace was visited in hospital by members of Democratic Congress and chief rival president Shirley Chisholm, a representative of Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. At that time, he was the only African-American female Congressman. Regardless of their ideological differences and opposition from Chisholm's constituents, Chisholm feels visiting Wallace is a humane thing to do. Other people who visit Wallace at the hospital are President Nixon, Vice President Spiro Agnew, Hubert Humphrey, George McGovern and Ted Kennedy. He also received telegram from former President Lyndon Johnson, future president Ronald Reagan and Pope Paul VI.

After the shooting, Wallace won preliminary elections in Maryland and Michigan, but his close killing effectively ended his campaign. From his wheelchair, Wallace spoke on July 11, 1972, at the Democratic National Convention in Miami Beach, Florida.

Since Wallace was outside Alabama for more than 20 days while he was recovering at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, Maryland, the state constitution required Lieutenant Governor Jere Beasley to serve as governor officer from June 5 until Wallace returned to Alabama at 7 July. Wallace resumed his governor's duties and easily won the primary and general elections of 1974, when he defeated State Senator Elvin McCary, a real estate developer from Anniston, who received less than 15 percent of the votes cast.

In 1992, when asked to comment on the 20th anniversary of the assassination attempt, Wallace replied, "I've had 20 years of pain."

Richard Avedon | George Wallace, Governor of Alabama, New York ...

presidential presidential election from 1976

In November 1975, Wallace announced his fourth bid for the presidency. Wallace's campaign was plagued by voter concerns about his health as well as the use of the image media depicting him almost helplessly. Its supporters complained that the coverage was motivated by bias, citing the wisdom used in the Franklin D. Roosevelt paralysis scope, before television became commercially available. In the primary and southern caucuses, Wallace only carries Mississippi, South Carolina, and his state in Alabama. If voting is popular in all preliminary and caucus elections combined, Wallace will take third behind former Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter and California Governor Jerry Brown. After the introduction was over, and he had missed several Southern introductions to Carter, Wallace left the race in June 1976. He eventually supported Carter, who faces presidential candidate Gerald R. Ford. Wallace later claimed that he had facilitated the nomination of a fellow seferherner; in fact, no position advocated by Wallace was included in the 1976 Democratic platform.

GARY SINISE GEORGE WALLACE (1997 Stock Photo: 31091620 - Alamy

Final term as governor

In the late 1970s, Wallace announced that he was a born-again Christian and apologized to black civil rights leaders for his past actions as a segregationist. He says that when he seeks power and glory, he realizes that he needs to seek love and forgiveness. In 1979, Wallace said about his stance on the school door: "I was wrong, those days are over, and they should be done." He openly apologized from the Blacks.

In 1992 at the primary Democratic governor election in Alabama, Wallace's main opponents were Lieutenant Governor George McMillan and Alabama House Speaker Joe McCorquodale. In primary, McCorquodale is eliminated, and voting goes to runoff, with Wallace holding a slight edge over McMillan. Wallace won the Democratic nomination by a margin of 51 to 49 percent. In the general election, his opponent is Major Republican Montgomery Emory Folmar. The voting experts initially considered the 1982 election the best chance since Reconstruction for a Republican to be elected as governor of Alabama. But in the end, Wallace, not Folmar, who claimed victory.

During Wallace's last term as governor (1983-1987) he made a record of the number of black appointments to state positions, including, for the first time, two blacks as members of the same cabinet.

On April 2, 1986, Wallace announced at a press conference in Montgomery that he would not run for a fifth term as Governor of Alabama, and would retire from public life after leaving the governor's house in January 1987. Wallace reached four governors in three decades, 16 years in office. This is a national record bound by others but so far surpassed only by Terry Branstad of Iowa, serving six things from 1983 to 1999 and from 2011 to 2017, and former Vice President George Clinton of New York, serving twenty-one non - consecutive year as governor between 1777 and 1804.

March 28, 1976 - A Word From George Wallace - Past Daily

Marriage and children

Wallace married Lurleen Brigham Burns on May 22, 1943. The couple had four children together: Bobbi Jo (1944) Parsons, Peggy Sue (1950) Kennedy, George III, known as George Junior (1951), and Janie Lee (1961) Dye , named after Robert E. Lee. Lurleen Wallace was the first woman elected as governor of Alabama. In 1961, according to the practice of many people at the time to protect patients from discussions about cancer, which was greatly feared, Wallace had hidden information from him that a uterine biopsy had discovered the possibility of precancerous cells. After Lurleen's death in 1968, the couple's boys, aged 18, 16, and 6, were sent to live with family members and friends for treatment (their eldest daughter was married and left home).

Their son, commonly called George Wallace Jr., was a Democrat who turned away from Republicans who were previously active in Alabama politics. He was twice elected as state treasurer as a Democrat, and twice elected at the Alabama Public Service Commission. He lost the race in 2006 to a Republican nomination for lieutenant governor. In 2010, Wallace Jr failed with a wide margin to win a Republican strike to regain his position as state treasurer.

On January 4, 1971, Wallace married former Cornelia Ellis Snively (1939-2009), the nephew of former Governor of Alabama Jim Folsom, known as "Big Jim". "C'nelia" has become a player and is nicknamed "Jackie Kennedy of the rednecks". The couple had a bitter divorce in 1978. A few months after the divorce, Cornelia told the magazine's Parade , "I do not believe George needs a family, he just needs a spectator, the family as a spectator is not enough for his ego. "Mrs. The second Wallace died at the age of 69 on January 8, 2009.

On September 9, 1981, Wallace married Lisa Taylor, a country music singer; they divorced in 1987.

George Wallace Stock Photos & George Wallace Stock Images - Alamy

Past year and death

In a 1995 interview, Wallace said he planned to elect Republican Bob Dole in the 1996 presidential election, remarking, "He's a good man, his wife is a born-again Christian woman and I trust him as well." He also revealed that he had chosen George H. W. Bush, another Republican, in 1992. His son, George Wallace Jr., officially switched from Democrats to the Republic in the same year. Wallace himself refused to formally identify as a Republican or a Democrat. But he added, "The country is slowly going to the Republic because Clinton is so liberal."

In his final years, Wallace suffered from deafness and Parkinson's disease.

At a restaurant a few blocks from the State Capitol, Wallace became a kind of fixture. In pain, he is surrounded by a group of old friends and visits good investigators and continues this ritual until several weeks before his death. Wallace died of septic shock due to a bacterial infection at Jackson Hospital in Montgomery on 13 September 1998. He suffered respiratory problems in addition to complications from spinal cord injuries. His tomb is located in Greenwood Cemetery, in Montgomery.

Inheritance and honor

With four failed attempts to become president, he failed in national politics. However, his influence on American politics was enormous and earned him the title of "the most influential loser" in 20th-century American politics, according to biographies of Dan T. Carter and Stephan Lesher.

The George Wallace Tunnel on Interstate 10 that runs under Mobile, Alabama is named in his honor.

Wallace was the subject of documentary film, George Wallace: Completing The Woods on Fire (2000), demonstrated by PBS at The American Experience.

The TNT cable network produced the film, George Wallace (1997), directed by John Frankenheimer and starring Gary Sinise. Sinise received an Emmy Award for her performance during a ceremony held on the day Wallace died.

In the 2014 film , set during the Civil Rights Movement, then-Wallace Governor openly opposed, Wallace was portrayed by actor Tim Roth.

The George C. Wallace White Way, a four-lane road between Guin and Hamilton in Alabama, is named in his honor.

The three community colleges in Alabama are named for Wallace: Wallace Community College, Wallace Community College Selma, and Wallace State Community College. Lurleen B. Wallace Community College is named for his wife.

See also

  • George Wallace's election history
  • Conservative Democrats
  • South Democrat




  • Brand, H.W. (2010). American Dream: The United States Since 1945 . New York, NY: Penguin Press. Ã,

Further reading

  • Frady, Marshall. Wallace . In series, Meridian Book . New York: World Publishing Co., 1970, police. 1968. No ISBN

External links

  • The Governor of Wallace's Greetings at the University of Alabama
  • George Wallace's article on the Alabama Encyclopedia
  • George Wallace - Daily Telegraph obituary
  • Oral History Interview with George Wallace from Oral Histories of the American South
  • Caught in Tape: White House Response to Alabama Governor's Shooting and Democratic Presidential Candidate George Wallace from the News Network History:
  • George Wallace: Completing the Woods on Fire film PBS American Experience , including full transcript, teacher tools and links
  • 1963 address of the legitimacy of the governor
  • Cornelia Wallace's obituary of Decatur Daily
  • Political Cemetery
  • Appearance in C-SPAN
    • "George Wallace, President Contender" from C-SPAN The Contenders
  • Speech by George Wallace given on 16 March 1970. Audio recording from the University of Alabama Pressure Symposium on Contemporary Issues
  • Trailer of a campaign speech given by George Wallace on May 1, 1964 at Ball State Teachers College in Muncie, Indiana
  • Alabama Requires "The Little Judge" - 1960/1961 The Pro-Segregation Comic Book was commissioned by George Wallace during his campaign for Governor of Alabama.
  • George Wallace on IMDb
  • Works by or about George Wallace in the library (WorldCat catalog)
  • "George Wallace collects news and comments". The New York Times .
  • Meet Elvis Presley with his family backstage before the Elvis concert at Garrett Coliseum in Montgomery, AL on March 6, 1974.
  • Testimony from Hosea Williams, John Lewis, and Amelia Boynton et al. v. The Honorable George C. Wallace, Governor of Alabama et al. from the National Archives and Archive Administration

Source of the article : Wikipedia
